Lions N’ Lambs Kindergarten provides an opportunity for children to make an easy and enjoyable transition into elementary school.
Our class sizes are small. Room 107 is limited to 20 students. We currently have one teacher in Kindergarten. In addition to the core academic subjects, we have a Bible lesson every day, and a “Bible Time” with Calvary’s Children’s Director, once a month.
Our teacher has an AA in Early Child Education along with many years of experience working with young children in a Christian environment. We are excited for an excellent year of Kindergarten!
Our daily schedule was developed with the children in mind (so they are not sitting & writing for extended periods of time).
This is an example what a day might look like:
8:30–9:00a — Welcome and Circle
9:00–9:30a – Phonics & Reading Group, Zoophonics
9:30–10:10a – Math
10:10–10:30a – Bible
10:30–10:50a – Recess
10:50–11:15a – Handwriting & Art
11:15–11:45a – Social Studies
11:45–12:15a – Lunch
12:15–12:30a – Centers
Our Bible curriculum consists of stories from the Old and New Testaments. We have a memory verse each week.
The reading program is a phonics based word-recognition and early reading program. There is a strong emphasis on comprehension and language arts skills, and concepts about print. In addition to the reading section, much emphasis is placed on the following:
Spelling, Alphabetizing, Rhyming
Vocabulary Development, Sequencing, Decoding
Auditory skills and recognizing a spoken word, sentence structure, sentence identification (including statement, question & exclamation)
Pronouns, Apostrophes for possession, contractions
The children have a lot of fun learning letter sounds. They are so excited to begin sounding out words and reading the selections in their readers.
The math curriculum is also a high quality program with concepts as follows:
Directions – right, left, high & low
Comparisons – big, little, alike & different
Matching numbers to 100
Colors, Shapes, Number order
Number words, Add to 10, Subtract from 10, Multiples of 10
Place value, Money, Greater/Less than
Time/Calendar, Count by twos, fives & tens
All of our curriculum meets (and usually exceeds) the “California State Standards” for Kindergarten. Whether your child goes on to public or private school, he/she should be well prepared in all academic areas.
We love what we do and are excited to watch the children enjoy learning. We feel fortunate to have the opportunity to participate in such a safe, meaningful, fun, and enriched Kindergarten classroom.