3 and 4-Year-Olds
Our main goals for 3 and 4-year-olds in this class are socialization for 3’s and Kindergarten readiness for 4’s.
Separating from Parents
Making Friends
Feeling Safe at School
Kindergarten Readiness
Our routine helps children know what to expect throughout the day. Every day the class has a Bible time where they learn all about God’s Word through song and scripture memorization. The children will have the opportunity to participate in many art, writing, math, cooking and science projects that teach them about colors, shapes, and the world around us. There are also many centers that provide opportunities for small motor development and outside play for large motor development.
We use the “Handwriting Without Tears” curriculum that teaches the children developmentally appropriate pre-writing skills. Through fun songs and workbooks, four year olds will learn how to write their names, numbers and shapes while three year olds will enjoy building letters with sticks and tracing them with their fingers. The “Zoophonics” curriculum teaches both ages to recognize and sound out the letters of the alphabet while learning all about the 26 different animal zoo friends.